Funding Institutions
The research project smartAQnet
is funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
(grant number: 19F2003). The ministry is headed by the Federal Minister for
Transport and Digital Infrastructure. He leads and is responsible for the work
of the department and its 63 subordinate authorities. The Minister is supported
in his work by three Parliamentary State Secretaries, who are also members of
the German Bundestag, as well as two state secretaries. These five highest
ranking employees help the minister with his leadership and government
As part of the research initiative mFUND, the BMVI has been funding research and
development projects for digital data-based applications for Mobility 4.0 since
- In addition to financial support, mFUND supports the networking of actors from politics, business and research as well as access to the data portal mCLOUD with various event formats.
The BMVI provides mobility, geo and weather data for its business area via the open data portal mCLOUD.
In the future, founders, startups and mobility providers will have a
one-stop-shop for mCLOUD for fast, uncomplicated and free access to data from a
wide range of mobility areas. The mCLOUD is a growing system. It is open to data
from science and industry and is constantly being expanded by the BMVI. For this
purpose, further data sets will be developed, existing digitalised and new data
The Smart Data Innovation Lab (SDIL) provides a unique opportunity for big data
researchers to use a wide range of big data and in-memory technologies. Industry
and science work closely together to find hidden values in big data and to
generate smart data from them. Projects focus on strategic research in the areas
of Industry 4.0, Energy, Smart Cities and Personalized Medicine. More
information can be found
Usage Rights
Copyright 2018-2020 - The SmartAQnet Consortium
All contents of the website and the data contained therein are protected by copyright. The copyright belongs to the consortium partners of the SmartAQnet project, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Please contact us if you wish to use the content of this website.
The complete data collection of the smartAQnet project and, unless expressly stated otherwise, the data and description texts contained therein are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. They may be used in accordance with the license terms stated. Use an appropriate hyperlink to this Web site ( to reference it as a source.
The data made available on this website was collected for research purposes as part of the SmartAQnet research project sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) (grant number: 19F2003). Please note that the data was automatically collected by various systems and for the most part not validated, in particular the disclaimer and limitation of liability related to the user license.
In particular, we would like to expressly point out fundamental errors and inaccuracies in the data, since, for example, the sensors used were partly operated by laypersons, were deliberately subjected to outside specifications of the manufacturers or no calibration. Therefore, most of the contained data should not be regarded as “measurements” in the usual sense. Also when importing external measurements or metadata, we do not exclude errors and in case of doubt refer directly to the referenced source (which may be more suitable for further use). In particular, this data collection is not in itself suitable for monitoring or conclusively evaluating the quality of outdoor air at the sites mentioned.
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